Analyst coverage

Contact details of the equity research analysts that publish regular independent research on RELX.

Institution / Firm Analyst Telephone
ABN Amro Oddo Konrad Zomer +31 20 383 1356
Bank of America Merrill Lynch David Amira +44 20 7995 7559
Barclays Nick Dempsey +44 20 3134 5888
Bernstein SG Christophe Cherblanc +41 58 272 3540
Citigroup Tom Singlehurst +44 20 7986 4051
Deutsche Numis Steve Liechti +44 20 7260 1305
Exane BNP Paribas Sami Kassab +44 20 7039 9448
ING Thymen Rundberg +31 20 501 3877
Investec Alastair Reid +44 20 7597 4448
J.P. Morgan Daniel Kerven
+44 20 7134 3057
Kepler Cheuvreux Conor O'Shea +33 1 53 65 36 09
Morgan Stanley George Webb +44 20 7425 2686
Morningstar Rob Hales +31 20 560 2968
Redburn Henry Hayden
+44 20 7980 9821
UBS Adam Berlin +44 20 7567 2378

RELX cannot give any assurance that the list is complete.

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