Scientific, Technical & Medical helps researchers and healthcare professionals advance science and improve health outcomes by combining quality information and data sets with analytical tools to facilitate insights and critical decision-making.
We help researchers share knowledge, collaborate, find funding opportunities, make discoveries and accelerate innovation. We deliver analysis and insights that help universities, research institutions, governments and funders achieve their strategic goals. We help doctors and nurses improve the lives of patients, providing insights and tools to find the right clinical answers.
Elsevier is headquartered in Amsterdam, with principal sites in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, St. Louis and Berkeley in North America; London, Oxford, Frankfurt, Munich, Madrid and Paris in Europe; Beijing, Shanghai, Chennai, Delhi, Chatswood, Singapore and Tokyo in Asia Pacific, and Rio de Janeiro in South America. It has 9,500 employees with customers in over 170 countries.
- We help ensure quality research accelerates progress for society by helping validate, improve and disseminate over 17% of the world’s scientific articles
- Elsevier’s over 2,900 journals published more than 630,000 articles in 2023, from almost 3m submitted
- 233 of 234 science and economics Nobel Prize winners since 2000 have published in an Elsevier journal
- ScienceDirect, the world’s largest platform dedicated to peer-reviewed primary scientific and medical research, hosts over 21m pieces of content from over 4,700 journals and over 46,000 e-books, and has over 20m monthly unique visitors. Its Ahref ranking places it as one of the Top 200 platforms on the internet
- SciVal is a web-based analytics solution that provides insights into the research performance of over 24,000 academic, industry and government research institutions
- Scopus is an expertly curated abstract and citation database with content from over 29,000 journals from more than 7,000 publishers to help researchers track and discover global knowledge in all fields
- ClinicalKey, the flagship clinical reference platform, is used by doctors, nurses, medical students and educators at over 5,000 institutions in over 80 countries and territories
- Reaxys, Elsevier’s chemistry research platform, utilises data on 275m substances, 64m reactions, with 109m documents and 40m patents
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