Dividend information

For information on ex-dividend, record and payment dates please see the Financial calendar.

RELX PLC 2017 2018  2019  2020 2021  2022  2023  2024 
Interim dividend (pence) 11.7  12.4 13.6
13.6 14.3
15.7 17.0  18.2
Final dividend (pence) 27.7   29.7 32.1
 38.9  41.8  44.8*
Total dividend (pence) 39.4   42.1 45.7
 54.6  58.8  63.0*
2017  2018  2019  2020  2021  2022 2023 2024
Interim dividend (€) 0.132  0.14  0.148  0.151  0.167  0.186 0.199 0.213
Final dividend (€)
0.316  0.337  0.362  0.387  0.419  0.447 0.490  
Total dividend (€)
0.448  0.477  0.51  0.538  0.586 0.633 0.689  
RELX PLC ADR 2017   2018 2019
 2020 2021  2022 2023  2024
Interim dividend ($) 0.150848 0.1591410  0.16398
0.1965820 0.180188 0.211761
Final dividend ($) 0.371595 0.3761200  0.395086
0.4833320 0.533962  
Total dividend ($) 0.522443 0.5352610  0.559066
0.651482 0.640864 0.66352 0.745723  

* Subject to shareholder approval at the 2025 Annual General Meeting, to be held on 24 April 2025

Notes: Following the completion of the corporate simplification on 8 September 2018, RELX PLC became the sole parent company of RELX Group.
Euro dividend information for 2016 up to and including the interim dividend for 2018, relates to RELX NV. 
For additional historic information concerning dividends paid in respect of RELX NV shares in existence prior to the simplification, please click here.

Withdrawal of cheque dividend payments

The interim dividend in September 2023 was the last dividend for which payments to shareholders were made by cheque. From June 2024, any monies payable in connection with your shares will only be payable by direct credit. 

To continue to receive RELX PLC dividends and any other money payable to you in connection with your RELX PLC shares, you must take action and provide your bank or building society account details to the Company’s registrar, Equiniti, so that payments can be made directly to your nominated account.

Full details on how to arrange your direct credit dividend payments are on the Equiniti Website, or you can provide your details via your Shareview Portfolio at www.shareview.co.uk.

If you do not provide your bank or building society account details, your dividend payments will be retained until your bank details are received, after which payment will be credited to your account as soon as possible. Your dividends will not accrue interest while they are being held for you and there may be a fee for Equiniti to reissue payments.

Dividend reinvestment for shares trading on London Stock Exchange

For the shares traded on London Stock Exchange, shareholders can choose to reinvest their Company dividends by purchasing further shares through the Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRIP) provided by Equiniti. Further information concerning the DRIP facility, together with the terms and conditions and an application form can be obtained online at www.shareview.co.uk/info/drip or by contacting Equiniti.

Dividend reinvestment for shares trading on Euronext Amsterdam and held via Euroclear Nederland

For the shares traded on Euronext Amsterdam a dividend reinvestment plan is facilitated by ABN AMRO Bank N.V. (“ABN AMRO”) with the support of RELX PLC. To join the dividend reinvestment plan, please contact your bank, broker or ABN AMRO. For questions about the dividend reinvestment plan, please contact ABN AMRO, [email protected]

Dividend currency elections

Shareholders appearing on the Register of Members or holding their shares through CREST will continue to receive their dividends in Pounds Sterling, but will have the option to elect to receive their dividends in Euro. 

Shareholders who appear on the Register of Members and wish to receive their dividend in Euro should contact our Registrar, Equiniti on 0371 384 2960 (UK) or +44 (0) 121 415 0165 (from outside the UK) for a dividend election form and further information regarding the Euro dividend option. Alternatively, shareholders can view and update their current dividend elections by registering for a Shareview Portfolio at www.shareview.co.uk/register.

Shareholders who hold their shares through CREST and wish to receive their dividend in Euro, must do so by following the CREST Elections process.

Shareholders who hold RELX PLC shares through Euroclear Nederland (via banks and brokers), will automatically receive their dividends in Euro, but will have the option to elect to receive their dividends in Pounds Sterling.

Shareholders who hold their shares through Euroclear Nederland and wish to receive their dividends in Pounds Sterling should contact their broker, financial intermediary, bank or other financial institution that holds the shares on their behalf.

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