
Stories and insights on enabling our customers, employees and the communities we serve to make better decisions, get better results and be more productive.

New York Comic Con
Welcome to New York Comic Con

The Creators, Cosplayers and Community bringing New York Comic Con to life

Revolutionizing aviation's path to net zero emissions

Cirium EmeraldSky

A female law student using a laptop
AI is preparing the next generation of lawyers

Generative artificial intelligence is becoming an essential part of legal education and training at law schools as well as firms across the United States.

How HR claimed a seat at the boardroom table

Data-driven insights are reshaping the HR landscape

RELX in the Philippines
Employee advocacy, engagement and motivation

What we can learn from RELX colleagues in the Philippines

Bringing colour to career success
Bringing colour to career success

Building an empowering and fulfilling career is more important than ever, and this is the year to be highly focused about your choices.

Image of some of the people featured in this story
Beyond disabilities

Building a culture of disability awareness and inclusion

Event attendees
Transforming Ethiopia's tax landscape

How RELX is helping lay the foundation for sustainable growth

Recognising those who care

Showcasing our colleagues who have made outstanding contributions to RELX Cares

A photo of an event panel session
Creating magic through inclusion

How RX is inspiring teams to create more inclusive and accessible experiences

A large image of a breaking heart
Romance scams: a billion dollar crime

The devastating financial and personal costs of romance scams

An AI generated illustration of an upset woman
The cost of romance fraud

How romance fraud is becoming a major financial crime and what is being done to fight it

Read story: Pandemic fraud
Pandemic fraud

How aid for struggling Americans let loose a hornets’ nest of criminals

GenAI in Law: Unlocking new revenues

This remarkable technology can help lawyers build innovative products and services

GenAI in Law: A guide to building trust

Establishing trust can unlock remarkable benefits for firms that embrace legal AI

Insights 2024: Attitudes toward AI

Discover what researchers and clinicians around the world think about the use of AI in their work.

The Netherlands as a science nation

The impact of internationalisation on research performance

Read story: Illustrating our 'RELX in the UK' story
Illustrating our 'RELX in the UK' story

How we chose an AI-generated cover image

Read story: Aspire Tech Programme
LexisNexis Aspire Tech Program

LexisNexis Aspire is a one-year, full-time program designed for recent graduates of an Undergraduate program focused in disciplines that include Software Engineering, Data Science, and Computer Science.

Read story: Five top stories
Our top five stories of the year

RELX stories that got everyone talking

Read story: Inventors
From problems to patents

Inventors at RELX

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