Historic RELX NV Dividend information

RELX NV 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017  2018
Interim dividend (€) 0.085 0.086 0.098 0.115 0.122 0.132  0.140
Final dividend (€) 0.219 0.243 0.285 0.288 0.301 0.316   
Total dividend (€) 0.304 0.329 0.383 0.403 0.423 0.448   
RELX NV ADR 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017  2018
Interim dividend ($) 0.10571 0.11362 0.12923 0.12836 0.136457 0.156591 0.1625400 
Final dividend ($) 0.28139 0.33125 0.31338 0.32247 0.3381730 0.369277  
Total dividend ($) 0.38709 0.44486 0.44261 0.45083 0.47463 0.525868  

The dividend rates shown for RELX NV ordinary shares and ADRs are gross dividend rates before the deduction of Dutch withholding tax.

On 1 July 2015, RELX NV undertook a bonus issue of 0.538 RELX NV shares for every existing RELX NV ordinary share held and changed its ADR ratio to 1:1 (previously 2:1). The dividend rates for ordinary shares have been adjusted to take account of the bonus issue and the dividend rates for ADRs have been adjusted to take account of the bonus issue and the ADR ratio change.

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