Download additional information relating to our 2023 Corporate Responsibility Report by clicking the links below.
We align the objectives we set for our unique contributions, as well as those for the significant areas that affect all companies – governance, people, customers, community, supply chain and environment – with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to support the achievement of these 17 global goals by 2030. To understand which issues we should focus on, we consider our business priorities and engage regularly with stakeholders. Below you can download examples of our stakeholder engagement and an outline of our 2023-2024 objectives, as well as our longer term goals.
We believe in timely, comprehensive reporting, see pages 88-89 of the 2023 RELX Annual Report for how we align with key standards, including the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board and the Global Reporting Initiative. Key non-financial metrics for environment, people and supply chain are assured by EY with the reporting guidelines and methodology is available below (full assurance statement available on page 90 of the Annual Report). Corporate Citizenship assure our community disclosures against the Business for Societal Impact (B4SI) Framework. Full assurance statement can be downloaded below.