Please find the RELX NV AGM documents to download below
AVA 2018
Agenda met toelichting en brief van de voorzitter
Oproep AVA 2018
Volmacht- en steminstructieformulier
RELX Group Annual Reports and Financial Statements 2017*
RELX NV 2018 Corporate Governance Statement*
Rooster van aftreden niet-uitvoerend bestuurders
Totaal aantal stemrechten per 22 maart 2018 volgens artikel 25ka Wft
RELX NV AVA stemresultaten 18 april 2018*
* Alleen beschikbaar in het Engels / in English only
AGM 2018
Letter from the Chairman and Agenda with explanatory notes
Call for AGM 2018
Proxy and voting instruction form
RELX Group Annual Reports and Financial Statements 2017
RELX NV 2018 Corporate Governance Statement
Anticipated dates of retirement of non-executive directors
Total number of voting rights per 22 March 2018 according to article 25ka Wft
RELX NV AGM voting results 18 April 2018
AVA 2017
Oproep AVA 2017
RELX Group Annual Reports and Financial Statements 2016*
RELX NV 2016 Corporate Governance Statement*
Rooster van aftreden niet-uitvoerend bestuurders*
Totaal aantal stemrechten per 23 maart 2017 volgens artikel 25ka Wft
RELX NV AVA stemresultaten 19 april 2017*
Concept notulen AVA 2017*
*Alleen beschikbaar in het Engels / In English only
AGM 2017
Call for AGM 2017
RELX Group Annual Reports and Financial Statements 2016
RELX NV 2016 Corporate Governance Statement
Total number of voting rights per 23 March 2017 according to article 25ka Wft
RELX NV AGM voting results 19 April 2017
Draft minutes AGM 2017
AVA 2016
Oproep AVA 2016
RELX Group Annual Reports and Financial Statements 2015*
Totaal aantal stemrechten per 23 maart 2016 volgens artikel 25ka Wft
AVA stemresultaten 20 april 2016*
Notulen AVA 2016*
AGM 2016
Call for AGM 2016
RELX Group Annual Reports and Financial Statements 2015
Total number of voting rights as at 23 March 2016 according to article 25ka Wft
AGM voting results 20 April 2016
Minutes AGM 2016
AVA 2015
Brief van de voorzitter en Agenda AVA
Oproep AVA 2015
RELX Group Annual Reports and Financial Statements 2014*
Corporate Governance Statement*
Voorstel tot statutenwijziging
Anticipated dates of retirement of non-executive directors*
Volmacht en steminstructieformulier
Totaal aantal stemrechten per 25 maart 2015
Informatiedocument aangaande bonusaandeel
Reed Elsevier NV AVA stemresultaten 22 april 2015*
Notulen AVA 2015*
AGM 2015
Letter from the Chairman and Agenda AGM
Call for AGM 2015
RELX Group Annual Reports and Financial Statements 2014
Corporate Governance Statement
Proposal to amend the articles of association
Total number of voting rights per 25 March 2015
Information document on bonus share
Reed Elsevier NV AGM voting results 22 April 2015
Minutes AGM 2015
AVA 2014
AGM minutes *
Advertentie slotdividend 2013
Reed Elsevier NV AGM voting results 23 April 2014
2013 AGM Minutes*
Brief Voorzitter met Agenda met toelichting
Oproep AVA 2014 op website
Retirement schedule non-executive directors *
Mededeling 5:25ka Wft
*Alleen in de Engelse taal beschikbaar
AGM 2014
AGM minutes
Announcement final dividend 2013 (Dutch only)
2013 AGM Minutes
AGM minutes*
Voting results*
Brief van de Voorzitter en Agenda met toelichting