Stories and insights on enabling our customers, employees and the communities we serve to make better decisions, get better results and be more productive.

Corporate responsibility
Recognising those who care

Showcasing our colleagues who have made outstanding contributions to RELX Cares

Highlights from RELX SDG Inspiration Day 2024

In the age of AI: Information to advance the UN Sustainable Development Goals

RELX Cares Month

Celebrating the support we provide to our communities around the world

Connected nodes on globe
RELX: Driving innovation in Europe

How rich data sets, technology infrastructure and next generation innovation allow us to create effective solutions for users

Justice statue
Striving for equal justice

How the LexisNexis Rule of Law Foundation uses talent, technology and partnership to advance its mission

An AI generated illustration of an upset woman
The cost of romance fraud

How romance fraud is becoming a major financial crime and what is being done to fight it

A photo of the Pollutec event and moving people
Pollutec: Connecting the circular economy

Behind the scenes at Europe’s largest trade show for sustainable solutions

A group of colleagues standing by the water
RX's $1m commitment to racial equity – three years on

How our ongoing funding is enabling partners to build on their vital work promoting and supporting racial equity

Read story: Responsible AI Principles
Responsible Artificial Intelligence Principles at RELX
Read story: Runaway children
Recovering America’s runaway children

Missing, vulnerable and exploited

Read story: Climate change and the insurance industry
Data is a key weapon in the insurance industry’s battle with climate change

The tools insurers need to innovate and adapt are at hand

Read story: RELX SDG Resource Centre
From research to action: The RELX SDG Resource Centre

How we are advancing the UN's Sustainable Development Goals

Read story: Recognising those who care at RX
Recognising those who care at RX

Recognising RXers' contributions to their local communities

Read story: This is RELX
Who we are, what we do, and why it matters

This is RELX

Read story: RELX and the environment
RELX and the environment

What we've achieved to date and our path forward

Read story: RX's journey to Net Zero
RX's journey to Net Zero by 2040

A collection of stories highlighting the journey towards Net Zero

Read story: Responsible travel
Towards Net Zero

Part one: Responsible travel

Read story: Corporate Responsibility 2022
Corporate Responsibility at RELX in 2022

Our 2022 ESG highlights

Read story: Counting the cost of carbon
Counting the cost of carbon

How RELX is turning pledges into progress with its new carbon emissions data platform

Culture of integrity
Building a culture of integrity that works

Tales from the RELX Code of Ethics

Read story: How RX supports the SDGs
How RX supports the UN's Sustainable Development Goals

We look back on 2022, an exciting year of diverse and sustainable growth

Read story: Corporate Responsibility 2021
Corporate Responsibility at RELX

Our 2021 Corporate Responsibility highlights

Read story: Accessibility
Accessibility matters

Our colleagues share their accessibility stories

Read story: EyeWitness to Atrocities
Bringing war criminals to justice

The story behind the eyeWitness to Atrocities app

Read story: ICIS net zero
Navigating net zero

How chemicals and energy firms are navigating the sustainability age

Read story: Advancing the SDGs
Our contribution to a more sustainable future

How RELX is advancing the UN's Sustainable Development Goals

Read story: Mind Body
Wellbeing at RELX

Mind, body & community

Read story: SDG Awards 2021
The RELX SDG Customer Awards 2021

Recognising our customers' exceptional work to achieve the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals

Read story: Five top stories
Our top five stories of the year

RELX stories that got everyone talking

Read story: CR at RELX
How we became a Corporate Responsibility leader

The RELX Corporate Responsibility story

Read story: CR Report 2020
Corporate Responsibility at RELX in 2020

Highlights of a year in CR

Read story: India Covid
The crisis in India

Elsevier is partnering with other RELX businesses to support our colleagues and their families in India

Read story: The world we want podcast
The World We Want podcast

A RELX podcast exploring key themes related to the SDGs, including leadership, innovation and youth

Read story: ADAM at 20 years
ADAM Program celebrates 20 years of reuniting children with their families

How the ADAM Program helps the US National Center for Missing & Exploited Children reunite missing kids with their families

Read story: Volunteering
At the heart of RELX

Making a difference through volunteering

Read story: Unique Contributions
Our unique contributions

How RELX makes a positive impact on society

Read story: Rule of Law
Shaping a just future

How LexisNexis is advancing the rule of law around the world

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